2015-2016 State Funding Hinges on Families’ Responses to the Form
Favor, tomen la oportunidad de completar esta solicitud por internet, si es que no lo han hecho ya en persona. Se pide a todos los padres y tutores que completen la forma (una por familia) y la regresen a las escuelas de sus hijos. Si no han recibido la forma, favor comunicarse con la persona encargada de la oficina de su escuela.
As an IUSD parent and caregiver, one of the most important actions you can take to help your children and the educational programs at Inglewood Unified is to submit a Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) application by OCTOBER 10, 2015.
LCFF is a new state funding formula that’s designed to allocate more money to districts with low-income and English-language learners. For Inglewood Unified to receive the maximum amount of state funding, the District must collect an alternative income form from every family. Otherwise, our children stand to lose vital funding for much needed programs.
Please take the opportunity to apply online if you haven’t already done so in person. All parents and guardians are asked to complete the form (one per family) and return it to their children’s schools. If you have not received a form, please contact your school’s office manager.